corn soup with garlic bread

I learn this recipe from my mom. I was sick in the fifth grade and she made this soup, so i find this recipe taste great and really simple too, i figured maybe other people also wanna try this recipe. Although i added a few other ingredients.


ingredients for corn soup:


  • 2 cans of cream style corn
  • 6 crab stick (cut 1/3 of one stick)
  • 4 slice of smoked beef (cut into rectangle shaped)
  • 4 eggs (separate the yolk and the white)
  • 1 spoon full of butter
  • black pepper 2tsp
  • salt 3 tsp
  • mixed vegetables (optional)

step 1 of making corn soup: turn on the stove on low heat, add one spoon of butter and wait until the butter melts.

step 2 of making corn soup: add two can of cream style corn soup and wait until it boils or has bubbles in it.

step 3 of making corn soup: add the egg white and stir until it breaks apart. then, add the yolk. also stir it until it breaks apart.

step 4 of making corn soup: add the smoked beef and the mixed vegetables.

step 5 of making corn soup: salt and black pepper and serve.


  •  if the consistency is too thick, add milk or water.
  • preparation + cooking should be less than 45 minutes
  • servings for 3-4 bowls.


ingredients for garlic bread:

    • 1 baguette
    • 3 clove of garlic
    • 2 spoon full of butter
    • 1 tsp thyme
    • 1tsp rosemary

step 1 of making garlic bread: mix seasoning, garlic, and butter until smooth.

step 2 of making garlic bread: slice baguette.

step 3 of making garlic bread: spread the mix to the



step 4 of making garlic bread: wrap baguette into an aluminium foil and put it into the oven.


  • cook it less than 5 minutes




these 2 dishes are very very simple, if you’re bored at home and hungry you can cook this or if you’re in college because this recipe doesn’t cost so much. enjoy! ❤

School Don’t Suck, The Education System Is. — Site Title

Before we jump into the main content, let’s start nice and slowly. My name is Cayla, I’m currently a ninth grader in Semi Palar, Bandung. Background check: the middle school and high school system in The US and The UK is different than here. In the US and UK, I’m considered a freshman, but in […]

via School Don’t Suck, The Education System Is. — Site Title

School Don’t Suck, The Education System Is.

Before we jump into the main content, let’s start nice and slowly. My name is Cayla, I’m currently a ninth grader in Semi Palar, Bandung. Background check: the middle school and high school system in The US and The UK is different than here. In the US and UK, I’m considered a freshman, but in most Asian countries, I’m still in middle school.

As a ninth grader student, this is my last year in middle school (based on my country’s education system), that means I have to prepare myself for the finals that helps me to get into high school. To be honest, at this point I’m still positive minded that I will graduate. But there are times where I felt hopeless and I can’t do anything, but then I found my motivation. P.s, I want to get into high school ASAP!

When I learn about certain subject in school, I always felt pressured by my own thoughts and anxiety, “If you don’t remember this or can’t do that, you’ll going to fail in class and be the worst of the class. How are you going to be a successful person if you can’t pass class? And don’t be selfish, don’t see this ‘chance’ as an effect to you only. It effects to your family. How do you feel to be that one dumbass kid in the family?”, That is the paragraph that often comes through my mind when I really need to do a lot of catching up in school. I mean, who wants to be the burden of the family? No one wants to.

However, that was how I felt before I got into middle school. Now, I feel a lot better than before, I actually started to understand about certain subjects, although I still need to do some catching up to do. Semi Palar helped me, supported me, and comforted me to learn better without feel  pressured, well maybe a little. Those thoughts still comes across my mind sometimes, but not as often as before. Not only that Semi Palar helped me learn better, but Semi Palar also helped me change to be a better person and supports me to chase my targets.

All through these years of studying and learning, of course there are something memorable.

Outing rutin di Semi Palar

Di awal kelas 9 ini, Kelas Kebat (kelasku), mendapatkan topik proyek yang berkaitan dengan pelajaran ilmu pengetahuan sosial kami pada awal semester ini, yaitu: kearifan lokal. Proyek ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari dan memperkuatkan budaya atau kebiasaan khas yang ada di suatu daerah tertentu, dalam kasus ini, daerah tersebut adalah Semi Palar. Aku dan teman sekelompokku (Bryan) sempat wawancara Evan (kelas 8), Kak Novi (kakak TK), dan Tante Elika (orang tua) tentang opini mereka dalam outing rutin.


Apa itu kearifan lokal?

Kearifan lokal adalah bagian dari suatu masyarakat yang tidak dapat dipisahkan dari masyarakat tersebut. Dalam Bahasa Inggris, kearifan lokal berarti local wisdom.


Dari topik proyek kali ini, aku dan teman sekelompokku (Bryan) memilih topik yang lebih spesifik yaitu ‘outing rutin’ di Semi Palar.“Kenapa kami memilih topik spesifik outing rutin?” Kalau dari aku secara personal, karena outing rutin di Semi Palar, khususnya di SMP, adalah kegiatan yang aku tunggu-tunggu dari setiap awal tahun pelajaran baru. 


Tidak salah sekolah lain juga ada kegiatan outing rutin, tapi yang membuat outing rutin di Semi Palar (khusus di SMP) berbeda adalah kami tidak hanya sekedar datang ke suatu tempat dan mencatat fakta-fakta yang “penting” lalu melupakan semua fakta-fakta tersebut. Justru itu, Semi Palar fokus pada topik yang sudah ditentukan sebelum kami pergi ke tempat tersebut. Kalau masih belum mengerti,contohnya; dulu saat aku masih duduk di bangku kelas 7, aku dan kelasku pergi ke Museum Sri Baduga untuk belajar dengan lebih detail tentang ‘Bandung purba’, lalu dari kunjungan tersebut, kami membuat lini masa (timeline) tentang urutan pemerintahan di kerajaan tertentu. Begitu maksudnya. Jadi, intinya, setiap dari kunjungan dalam rangka outing rutin, Semi Palar pasti menghasilkan produk akhir.


Outing rutin di Semi Palar sudah berjalan sejak angkatan pertama kelas satu, jadi kira kira dua belas tahun lalu. Mungkin sedikit lebih berbeda dengan sekarang, tapi kurang lebih tujuannya sama, yaitu untuk mempelajari suatu topik tertentu dengan yang sudah professional atau ahli dalam bidang tersebut dan murid-murid tidak bergantung dengan pengetahuan yang terbatas dan belum tentu benar di internet.


Di setiap kelas tentu saja ada outing rutin besar yang perlu persiapan. Contohnya kelas 7 live-in ke suatu desa yang masih di kawasan Jawa Barat selama 3 hari dan 2 malam dengan tujuan beradaptasi dengan kehidupan sehari-hari warga sekitar. Kelas 8 pergi menjelajahi Jawa Barat atau Jawa Tengah selama 6 hari dan 6 malam dengan tujuan mempelajari budaya. Dan, kelas 9 ekspedisi ke kampung adat.

Pengalamanku dalam melakukan outing rutin sangat mengesankan, kedua-dua outing rutin saat kelas 7 maupun kelas 8. Saat kelas 7 aku berkunjung ke Desa Gambung, Ciwidey. Di sana, aku tinggal di rumahnya Pak Hadi, yang berprofesi sebagai pemetik teh dan guru instrumen tradisional Sunda, bersama Thania dan Chanda. Selama tiga hari aku beradaptasi dengan kegiatan-kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh warga Desa Gambung yang sangat berbeda dengan Bandung, mulai dari mandi air yang sangat dingin, makan makanan yang berbeda, belajar main kecapi, memerah susu sapi, dan lain-lainnya. Walaupun hanya menginap tiga hari, aku merasa seperti Pak Hadi dan keluarganya sudah menjadi keluarga keduaku sendiri. Selama tiga hari di Gambung, aku belajar cara memainkan kecapi bersama murid dan keluarganya Pak Hadi. Sampai hari ini, kadang aku ingin kembali lagi ke Gambung dan berkunjung ke rumahnya Pak Hadi lagi.


Dari pengalaman outing rutin, tentu saja ada manfaat untuk orang-orang yang terlibat dari outing rutin. Manfaat yang aku dapatkan dari 2 outing rutin tentu saja ada banyak, tapi menurutku yang paling bermanfaat secara personal adalah komunikasi. Selama menjalankan outing rutin, komunikasi menjadi hal yang paling penting untuk bekerja sama melewati tantangan-tantangan perhari. Dan terakhir, kerja sama; kedua outing rutin dijalankan bersama kelompok sehingga kami harus dapat berdiskusi dan bekerja, tanpa menyepakati dan kerja sama, kelompok akan kacau.


Dari hasil wawancara dengan Kak Novi, Kak Novi berpendapat bahwa manfaat outing rutin adalah untuk memperluas wawasan bagi murid-muridnya Kak Novi yang masih kecil. Selain itu, menurut Kak Novi outing rutin juga bermanfaat untuk murid-muridnya Kak Novi untuk belajar tetap fokus mendengarkan narasumber dan kondusif dalam tempat umum yang banyak orang-orang yang mereka tidak kenal. Dari hasil wawancara dengan Evan (murid kelas 8), manfaat dari outing rutin adalah untuk mengenal lingkungan yang ada di luar Bandung.


Untuk outing rutin kedepannya, aku sarankan untuk perpanjang durasi di lapangan. Contohnya, nyaba lembur dan perjalanan besar itu terlalu sebentar untuk kami beradaptasi.

learning sex education

I think it’s very important that kids around a very young age should be taught about basics of sex education because that’s when the children most likely to ask their parents, “Where do babies come from?” And then the parents don’t know how to answer that’s question. In my opinion and based from what I was learning around the age of 4-6, I was taught by my mother the anatomy of the human body and how it works, and I agree on how my mother has taught me, parents should teach their children about anatomy of their body first. But, of course, there are levels of sex education based from the child’s age, make sure it’s age appropriate.


  • Children (2-5 years old)

Toddlers should learn about body parts as basics of theirs learning so that they could know the difference of the female body and the male body looks like and they should know that a man and a woman make a baby together, then the baby grows up to 9 months inside the woman.


  • Kids (6-9 years old)

Around this age, they should learn about gender roles. Some people might not agree with the concept of ‘gender roles’ but from my point of view gender roles are important. Gender roles and gender-stereotypes are different—learn the difference. Gender roles are about the ideal figure in a family or a society. Whilst gender stereotype is an idea or belief many people have about a thing or group that is based upon how they look, how they act, and how they feel. Many people has mistaken ideal for stereotype. Gender roles are made for many reasons.


  • Pre-teen (10-14 years old)

Now, this is the age they should know about sex, protected sex, sexuality, hormones, and the feeling of sexually aroused (or you could say ‘turned on’ or ‘horny’). At this age, hormones and feelings are starting to get unstable, they should learn about mental health as well. I know lots of teenagers that struggle with their selves, and the problem is that they don’t open up to adults that might understand what they’re going through. But instead, they open up to other pre-teens or teenagers who is going through the same thing. So, pre-teens and teenagers, if you’re going through some stuff, talk to an experienced adult.


Sex and protected sex: they should know the consequences of their actions towards other people and themselves.


Sexuality: learn that there are homosexuals, pan-sexual, and heterosexual.


Hormones: it can effect on moods (or mood swings), emotion, and body.


  • Teenagers (15-17 years old)

This is when they start to date. At this age, they should learn about mental heath, serious relationships, and communication. Mental health is very important because it can effect to your body, how you act around people, how you treat people, and most importantly how you see yourself and how you treat yourself.


At previous age, kids might date sooner. But it’s more likely to have a serious relationship around the age of 15-17. A healthy relationship is actually really simple, you just respect, communicate, understand, be honest, help, connect, and trust each other. And remember, date or love someone when you’re ready, not when you’re lonely. Make sure you have the mental, physical, and emotional health to love someone and self-love is very important.


  • Young adults (18-20 years old)

Young adults already learn when they were younger, now it’s time to take some responsibility and experience. Maybe try to date someone seriously, get married, or something.


As a pre-teen Indonesian whose never been taught about sex education and mental health by my parents, I think kids should learn from their parents based on general knowledge and their experience. Parents, it might be weird to hear what your kid’s question but please it’s important for them to know.

information source:

This article is based on the link above, my opinion, and my experience.

My opinion and thoughts on Indonesian music history on display at Surabaya exhibition: an article review.


Last week, I read The Jakarta Post’s article about Indonesian music history on display at Surabaya exhibition and wanted to share my thoughts about it here.

I picked this article because I’ve heard about this exhibition before and I’m curious about this event. Plus, I’m attracted to picture cover of the article which is a picture of an old gramophone and some vinyls in the background.

From my point of view, Nedi Putra Aw–the writer of the article for The Jakarta Post–is trying to indirectly promote this exhibition by writing an article about it as he describe about the unique things about this event.

Reading the article, I feel kind of jealous because I want to go to this exhibition. I’m curious about it. I also want to see Museum WR Soepratman. In this exhibition I’m sure that there are a lot of traditional or old songs, since they have vinyls, I want to try to listen to music on a gramophone. I could listen on digital music player, but it’s different because you don’t get the feel of it.

As one of the young age of Indonesia, I hope that people appreciate traditional music because it’s part of our culture and it has rich values. Appreciate the music by listening to it and memorize the lyrics, by that way we also are appreciating the writer of it.

Keep old or traditional music alive!

Main ke Ujung Berung

24/02/2019: Teh Fanny

Minggu ini aku mendapatkan tugas dari Kak Braja dan Kak Imeh untuk berkunjung ke rumah kerabat yang jauh secara silsilah keluarga dan lokasi menggunakan transportasi umum agar aku dan teman-teman sekelas terlatih untuk pergi ke tempat-tempat jauh nanti saat perjalanan besar. Mendengar tentang tugas ini, aku semangat bercerita dengan mama karena aku ingin lebih dekat dengan keluarga besar. Mama mendaftarkan beberapa saudara-saudara jauh yang belum pernah aku kunjungi rumahnya, dan aku memilih Teh Fanny yang kebetulan baru pindah ke Bandung dua bulan lalu. Teh Fanny adalah seorang grafologis ahli, ibu rumah tangga, dan setahuku dia senang membikin kue. Aku ingin dianalisis karakter dan potensiku agar aku bisa memperbaiki diriku sendiri.

Aku sudah menghubungi Teh Fanny dan bertanya jika bolehkah aku berkunjung, Teh Fanny bilang boleh. Aku sudah packing tas dan siap berangkat ke Ujung Berung. Aku ditemani mama untuk jaga-jaga agar tidak nyasar. Aku dan mama perlu jalan dulu dari rumah ke Jl. Pahlawan untuk mencari angkot yang pergi ke Ujung Berung.

Di angkot, aku tertidur. Anehnya, tidurnya puas dan aku bangun tanpa rasa sakit karena salah posisi. Walaupun tidur, aku tetap jaga kesopananku dan tasku. Saat bangun, kami langsung sampai di Alun-Alun Ujung Berung. Di Alun-Alun Ujung Berung, aku melihat banyak sekali jajanan jalan. Menggoda. Sampai di Ujung Berung, perutku terasa kosong dan lapar, jadi aku dan mama makan nasi uduk yang dijual pedagang kaki lima yang dekat Alun-Alun Ujung Berung. Nasi uduknya murah dan mengenyangkan.

Setelah makan aku dan mama jalan mencari rumahnya Teh Fanny. Jalannya serasa seperti bukit, sangat menanjak. Beberapa menit sudah lewat, dan kami belum melewati patokan yang diberi Teh Fanny. Karena takut salah jalan, aku akhirnya bertanya kepada warga sekitar. Katanya, rumahnya Teh Fanny masih jauh—kira-kira sekitar 2.5 kilometer lagi. Aduh. Aku sudah keburu lelah. Panas pula. Aku memakai baju lengan panjang warna hitam pula. Ya sudahlah, mau bagaimana lagi? Aku tetap saja jalan terus dan terus sehingga tidak sadar bahwa aku melewati Teh Fanny yang menyapa mama (mama berjalan di belakang aku).

Sampai di rumahnya Teh Fanny, aku dihidang dengan segelas air putih dingin dengan es. Lega rasanya. Aku mulai bercerita-cerita dengan Teh Fanny dan suaminya, Kang Ari, tentang keluarganya, hobinya, profesinya, dan lain-lainnya. Aku, mama, dan Teh Fanny berdiskusi tentang silsilah keluarga kami yang sangat sangat rumit dan panjang, mulai dari kakek buyutku. Neneknya Teh Fanny adalah adiknya nenekku. Dulu, kakeknya Kang Ari dan Kakek buyutku bekerja sama. Kakeknya Kang Ari dulu pemilik arena berkuda di Bandung, dan kakek buyutku adalah jokinya. Aslinya, hubungan keluarga besarku dan keluarganya Kang Ari cukup rumit dan lucu. Kakek buyutku dan kakeknya Kang Ari pernah bekerja sama. Ibunya Kang Ari dulu sempat pacaran dengan almarhum Wa Roby. Adiknya Kang Ari pernah pacaran dengan sepupuku. Dan sekarang, Kang Ari dan Teh Fanny menikah. Sungguh kebetulan.

Ternyata, Kang Ari adalah generasi kelimanya Bapak Alkateri. Bagi yang tidak tahu, Bapak Alkateri dulu mencuri senjata-senjatanya Belanda sampai dibuatkan Jl. Alkateri. Jl. Alkateri diletak di daerah Alun-Alun Bandung karena dulu keluarga besarnya tinggal di daerah sana.

Teh Fanny dan Kang Ari punya seorang anak, namanya Raina. Saat aku berkunjung, keadaan Raina sedang sakit. Namun, sakit tidak menghentikan Raina untuk tetap aktif, ceria, bermain-main, dan jajan. Menurutku, hobinya Kang Ari menurun ke Raina. Kang Ari dan Raina sama-sama suka berbahasa Inggris dan bermain musik. Teh Fanny dan Kang Ari cerita bahwa Raina aslinya ingin disekolahkan di Semi Palar juga, tapi sudah tiga tahun berturut-turut kelasnya penuh dan sudah membatasi kapasitas maksimalnya. Aku rasa Raina akan senang jika ia masuk ke Semi Palar.

Setelah bercerita-cerita, tulisanku dibaca dan dianalisis oleh Teh Fanny. Hasil analisanya akurat tentang kebiasaan burukku, tapi aku juga diberi solusi untuk kebiasaan buruk tersebut. Teh Fanny juga mengungkapkan potensi-potensiku, kendala, dan solusinya. Aku menjadi lebih termotivasi untuk memperbaiki diriku sendiri karena sejujurnya aku lelah dengan diri sendiri.

Sore hari ini disambut dengan tetesan rintik hujan dan angin yang pelan, itu adalah tanda bahwa aku dan mama harus pulang. Aku berterima kasih dan berpamitan dengan Teh Fanny dan Kang Ari atas kehangatannya mereka menerimaku untuk datang berkunjung.

It’s still far way down ahead to go home, but I can walk. Untung saja sekarang jalannya menurun. Setiap tanjakan pasti ada turunan. Berjalan pulang rasanya lebih cepat daripada saat berjalan menuju ke rumahnya Teh Fanny, tidak terasa bahwa aku sudah sampai di Alun-Alun. Saat sampai di Alun-Alun aku membeli minuman dingin untung melegakan rasa lelah dan ternyata tidak jadi hujan. Waktunya pulang. Saat di angkot, aku memasang earphone sebelah dan membaca buku sambil menunggu macet jalan selesai. Aku tertidur lagi di angkot, tiba-tiba sudah sampai di Cicaheum saja. Tamat.

Book Review: The Sun Is Also A Star

tsiaasNatasha Kingsley is an illegal undocumented immigrant, she is originally from Jamaica, Natasha and her mother, Patricia Kingsley, moved to New York when she was 9 years old. Her father, Samuel Kingsley, moved in to New York before she and her mother did. They moved to New York because her father had a big dream to become a professional actor. Natasha used to be so close with her father, they were big dreamers. But, as Natasha gets older, Natasha changes. Her realized that he lost his ‘daughter’ when he saw her math book laying on the kitchen table. Natasha had a brother, but he’s not originally from Jamaica, he was born in New York. Natasha is a girl that doesn’t believe in fate, destiny, and other things like that, but she believe in science, she relates everything with science and she hates poets. But then, she met Daniel.

Daniel Ho Bae is a poet. Unlike Natasha, he believes in fate, destiny, and other things like that. Daniel is a American-Korean. His family wants him to be a doctor in Yale, but Daniel doesn’t want to be one. He wants to be a poet.

Natasha and Daniel met at a vinyl store. Natasha saw her ex who cheated on her with his girlfriend and got frustrated, Daniel stood up for her. Natasha left the store to go for a walk but apparently Daniel is also going to the same directions as she is. While walking, Natasha didn’t look at the street because she was distracted by the songs playing in her headphone and almost nearly got hit by a drunk driver but Daniel pulled her back until she fell to the ground and broke her headphone. The headphone is special to her, it was a gift from her father. Daniel apologized and offered to buy her a new headphone but she declined.

Natasha is walking to her attorney’s office–who is apparently Daniel’s interviewer to get into college. Natasha’s permission to stay in New York allegedly got declined. She hung out with Daniel for a while. They went to norebang (karaoke in Korean) and fell in love. After that, they went to Daniel’s parents African-American hair care shop and met Daniel’s father and Charlie, both of them got rude when they saw Daniel went in the store with an African American. So, they left the store to get back to Natasha’s attorney. Her request to stay in America got decline, she’s going back to Jamaica at night. Natasha brought Daniel to her house and met her parents. Her family went to the airport before she did. Natasha and Daniel gets into a cab

3 Face Wash Products Review

Today I’m going to review about 3 face wash products that I used. I choose this topic because I want people who has oily skin, like me, to know what they should use.

ctplThe first one I’m going to review is Cetaphil face wash. I used Cetaphil for a month and I’m quite happy with the result, my acne got smaller, and bye-bye oily skin. Unfortunately, I stopped using Cetaphil because maybe the ingredient is too strong for my sensitive skin. But, it does work on my sister. I’s best for acne and pimples. The ingredients are Cetaphil  eight ingredients: water, cetyl alcohol,propylene en, propylparaben, butylparaben. I’d rate 6/10. The price is really expensive, the last time I bought it for around 90.000 Rupiah, for the price I’d rate 4/10.


The second one is Garnier light complete face wash. I used Garnier light complete for years. The results are good, my face got brighter, and it got rid of my small-pre-‘pimples (I don’t know if that’s a thing), but it stopped working on me, I don’t know why. I think it’s best for brightening your skin. I’d rate 7/10. The price is cheap too, I used to buy it for 18.000 Rupiah.


The last one I’m going to write about is the Himalaya purifying neem face wash. This is the one that I’m still using, I’ve been using Himalaya purifying neem face wash for a year now and I really love this one because it makes my pimples and acne smaller, it made my face feels more fresh, and it tightens my skin (in a good way). In my opinion, it’s best for skin tightening and for more fresh skin. Also, the price is a normal price, I bought it for 21.500 Rupiah. I’d rate 10/10 for the results, 9/10 for the price. But lately I’ve been lazy to wash my face.

The Himalaya purifying neem face wash is the best for the results.

The Garnier light complete face wash is the cheapest.

The Cetaphil can do better at the price.

Resensi buku: Cinta Tak Ada Mati


Cover buku cinta tak ada mati-eka kurniawanMardio adalah seorang lelaki tua yang kesepian, ia menyukai seorang perempuan yang sama sejak ia berumur 14 tahun. Nama perempuan tersebut adalah Melatie. Mardio dan Melatie bertemu ketika Mardio berkerja di sebuah bioskop, Melatie datang bersama orang tuanya. Mardio mengalami cinta pada pandangan pertama. Melatie dan orang tuanya selesai nonton, ketika mereka berjalan pulang Mardio mengikuti mereka dari belakang. Setelah Mardio mengetahui di mana mereka tinggal, Mardio mulai perlahan-lahan mendekati Melatie, ia suka mengirimi puisi-puisi dengan pos merpati dan memberi tiket film gratis. Namun, Melatie memilih orang lain, Melatie bertemu dengan seorang dokter, tetapi Mardio masih setia menunggu. Mardio mencoba segala cara untuk mendapatkan Melatie, namun cara-caranya Mardio selalu gagal. Menunggu setia untuk Melatie mulai membuat Mardio sakit, akhirnya ia pergi ke sebuah psikolog. “Lupakan gadis itu,” kata si dokter psikolog. Mardio mencoba untuk mencari perempuan lain, tetapi gagal lagi. Mardio seperti memiliki sebuah obsesi dengan Melatie. Ia masih mencintai Melatie meskipun Melatie sudah meninggal. Sampai-sampai ia mencium bibir sang dokter hanya untuk merasakan bekas bibirnya Melatie.